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Although they habitually ask why

Accompanied by a twinkle in their eye

Acceptance is high among children it seems

No conclusions, unconditional love beams

In their eyes, thought process clear

It is what it is, their tolerance is dear

They readily accept you for who you are

Their outlook nothing can mar

Unless pressured to believe otherwise

From the mouth of babes comes truth recognized







  1. Children and dogs. And one terrific husband. What kind of tres are they in your picture? They look so tall!


    • Can’t seem to find the like button but I really liked, no loved Acceptance. I’ve been going down that road for some time now. I railed, ranted, fueded, cajoled myself and finally accepted, I’m getting older, can’t do what I want to do when I want to do it. waiting’s good. Loved the humour too awesome!


      • It took me a while, too. Quite a while. First recognizing what I could NOT do, then eventually coming to grips with what I still CAN do … and realizing that I don’t actually HAVE to do anything. Which is a big thing, actually.


      • I thought I’d be in the “not actually have to do anything” stage, but I live 10 steps from the grandkids, and when mom and dad work, it’s gramma time, so I still haven’t hit that stage of sleep in, get up whenever eat whenever, or not, lol, but it keeps me going…the need to be needed thing.


      • The kids grow up and suddenly, you have friends and baby sitting ends. But something even MORE magical begins. That’s one of the best parts of grandparenting.


      • It’s true! I LOVE being a grandparent. HAHAHAH jokes on the kids, I can be a kid with the little ones, don’t have the associated responsibilities so you know, it’s good snicker snicker


  2. […] I envy the ease a child has to set everything aside and give their acceptance to someone as well as to themselves.  I wish I could have a little bit of that innocence and love like Covert Novelist describes in his newest poem. […]


  3. Sumyanna says:

    So incredibly true. Sad they get taught otherwise as they grow…


    • My children were surprised when one day then noticed our best friends (hubby was black and the wife was white) my daughter’s response was, Kevin’s black? She’d noticed a black man who I’d known as a teenager, he came to the table to say hi when he left she asked why his skin was a different colour. I explained there were many different colours that people wear, anyway the long and short of it was she hadn’t noticed Kevin or the babies. she was colour blind, as I am. We are one people, world wide with a variety of insights, ideas, thoughts believes, etc. For me, skin colour doesn’t and never has entered the equation.

      Liked by 1 person

      • My granddaughter is the same way. She also hates the term “black” because she says “NO ONE is black. They are brown or tan or beige. Black is stupid. And I’m NOT white.”


      • Children are heavenly, aren’t they? They aren’t easily fooled by magicians magic, or all too often, the realities of life. Colour is non existent in my world. Always has been. I can’t wrap my head around the thought that someones’ skin colour matters. I can’t!


      • I love your granddaughter. She’s a keeper of the first order!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sumyanna says:

        I had a similar thing happen. When my oldest daughter was rather young, she lived in a home with me (white) and my husband (brown skinned). I had a few women friends who were black and she saw her often – but for some reason it never registered. One day we were at the store and a white man stood beside us. She looked at him with such huge eyes. When he left she told me that she thought all women were white and all men were dark skinned. I was shocked, but I guess she was just taking that from her normal environment. When I mentioned others, she realized that yes… there are many colors of people out there, many different beliefs, but it just floored me that she thought it. It was not a bad thing, just taking in a different perspective.

        I grew up in Canada in Brampton. Our friends were very diverse and I grew to know many different people. It is sad to let go of that realization. It is equally sad to hear so many people tell stories of how they lost their languages, or how they try so hard to fit in that they lose a part of themselves. To me, other cultures and ways intrigue me. They are as beautiful as the diverse flowers I see in a garden. They should be cherished equally for the beauty that they provide.


      • Oh I couldn’t agree more! So you are originally Canadian then? sidebar sorry. It’s interesting, children’s perceptions…always on the money..but I’m with you, I so believe culture should be celebrated. It’s always been a point of honour in Canada…not sure if it still exists out east or not, I’m out west.


  4. So true, the innocence of children is quite beautiful x


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